About Nursing

Visit any hospital in the greater Boston area and you will find Salem State nursing graduates at work. Our students graduate with a concrete foundation of academic nursing knowledge and practical clinical skills that seamlessly transfer into the professional world.
The School of Nursing offers program options in both our graduate and undergraduate programs. Whether you are right out of high school, in a mid-career change or currently in the field and looking for career advancement, visit our program pages to find the right program for you.
Salem State's School of Nursing programs are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and approved with Warning Status by the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing.
For information on the following please visit our nursing Canvas course:
- Policies
- Transfer FAQs
- Simulation labs
- Nursing resource center
- Tutoring
- ATI testing
- Sigma Theta Tau
- Recognition
- Student Nursing Association
- Student forms
- Newsletters
- Joining our student listserv
The School of Nursing is approved with Warning Status by:
Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing
39 Causeway Street, Suite 500
Boston, MA 02114
Telephone: 617.727.9961
The baccalaureate and master's programs in nursing at Salem State University are accredited by:
Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
655 K Street NW, Suite 750
Washington, DC 20001
Telephone: 202.887.6791
Contact Us
Title or Program | Name | Room | Phone |
Associate Dean | Linda Frontiero | HB101 | 978.542.6849 |
Chairperson | Marion Frost | HB233A | 978.542.6982 |
Nursing Resource Center and Clinical Placements | Shawna Farnsworth | HB204 | 978.542.2669 |
Administrative Assistant | Julie DeMaio | HB233 | 978.542.6624 |
Compliance Coordinator | Krystle Cote | HB220 | 978.542.2479 |
Admissions Information | Admissions | ENT | 978.542.6200 |
ABSN Coordinator | Marion Frost | HB216 | 978.542.6982 |
Graduate Programs Coordinator | Mercy Bashir | HB221 | 978.542.2799 |
Graduate and Professional Studies | Theresa Jenkins | HB123 | 978.542.6858 |
Nursing Office
Harrington Building
(South Campus)
Room 233
Mailing Address Salem State University
School of Nursing
352 Lafayette St
Salem, MA 01970