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Center for Research and Creative Activities

Congratulations to the 2024 Flibbert Award winners!
First Place Award - $250
Gabriella Feingold, "Healing From the Bottom Up: Embodied Therapies for the Treatment of Trauma"
Nominated by Yvonne Ruiz, School of Social Work
Second Place Award - $200
Maryellen Groot, "The Gertrudes"
Nominated by JD Scrimgeour, English
Third Place Award - $100
Arlinda Sherifi, "Factors Influencing Access to Bank Loans by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Kosovo and North Macedonia"
Nominated by John McArdle, Bertolon School of Business
Named in honor of Salem State professor Joseph T. Flibbert, this annual award has been given for more than two decades in recognition of outstanding graduate student writing and research.
About Joseph Flibbert:
After receiving a PhD from the University of Illinois in 1970, Flibbert joined the English faculty at Salem State, where he worked for nearly thirty years, until his death in 1999. During his tenure, Flibbert served as department chair and director of graduate studies in English. A distinguished Hawthorne and Melville scholar, Flibbert most notably taught American literary works and literature of the sea, subjects about which he lectured extensively at home and abroad. In addition to his work at the college, Flibbert served as president of both the Nathaniel Hawthorne Society and Salem Athenaeum. His published works include Melville and the Art of Burlesque (1974), “Poetry in the Mainstream,” in America and the Sea: A Literary History (1995), and Salem: Cornerstones of a Historic City (1999).
The award is open to all disciplines and topics. First, second, and third prizes will be awarded to graduate student papers that display excellent scholarly research, which the Flibbert committee defines as an investigative or creative inquiry contributing to the development of knowledge. Papers can be either critical or creative–including quantitative or qualitative research, fiction, poetry, or non-fiction.
First prize: $250
Second prize: $200
Third prize: $100
Submission deadline: April 15, 2024
Student papers must be nominated by faculty. Papers should have been written for a graduate course completed during the summer 2023, fall 2023, or spring 2024 semesters.
Each graduate faculty member can nominate only one paper.
Papers should be no more than 30 typed, double-spaced pages and should include a title page indicating: student’s name, nominating faculty member’s name and department, semester, and course for which the paper was written.
The faculty-nominated paper must be received by April 15, 2024. Nominating faculty member should submit a clean copy, with no comments or grades written on the paper, to with the subject “Flibbert Award Submission.”
Flibbert Award committee members will read submissions and choose first, second, and third prizes by May 1, 2024. Winners are invited to present their work at the Faculty and Graduate Research Symposium on Research Day, which will be held on Friday, May 3, 2024.
Questions? Contact the Center for Research and Creative Activities.