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HSI Week | Who Are Our SSU Hispanic and Latina/e/o/x Students and How Can We Better Serve Them? | Hybrid Program

Please note that this event has already occurred. (Sep 12, 2024)
Sep 12

Thursday, September 12, 1-2 pm | Martin Luther King Jr. Room, Ellison Campus Center and Virtual via Zoom

Join us for a hybrid program to learn about our SSU Hispanic or Latina/e/o/x students and how we can better serve them. AVP of HSI-MSI Initiatives Elisa Castillo will share feedback from the survey that went out to all SSU students who identify as Hispanic this past spring semester and will discuss recommendations on how to better serve Latina/e/o/x students.


 Register via Zoom if you plan to join us virtually.


For access and accommodation information, visit our page on access or email

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