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For the 2024-2025 academic year Liv Duarte, senior psychology major, was nominated and selected as the Salem State’s Newman Civic Fellow through Campus Compact. Liv was nominated on the basis of her potential for public leadership and her commitment to her communities. The Newman Civic Fellowship is a year-long program that recognizes and supports student public problem solvers at Campus Compact member institutions. Through her fellowship, Liv was able to apply for a mini-grant that provides students with the resources to perform change making projects in their local communities. Funded generously by the Allstate Foundation, recipients are awarded $500, $1000, and $1500 grants based on need demonstrated by their compelling application. This year 54 Fellows received grants, encompassing 35+ different issues across 29 different states. In total $74,500 dollars was awarded.
Liv was graciously selected as an awardee, and will be using her $1000 mini-grant to support the creation and development of a civics club at Salem High School. In collaboration with the City of Salem, Salem Human Rights Coalition, Salem Public Schools, the CCE, and her colleague Annalisse Hart, Liv is hoping to inspire and cultivate civic leadership skills in our youth and help them to create change they want to see in their community and the world.
More About Liv:
Liv Duarte is the President of the Intersectional Feminist Collective (IFC), Senior Program Assistant for Advocacy Initiatives at the Center for Civic Engagement (CCE), and recently elected Vice Chair of the Salem Human Rights Coalition. Her work focuses on equity, advocacy, and community building. Liv will be graduating in May of 2025 with her bachelors in psychology and minors in women’s studies, sociology and social work. Post graduation she plans to apply to Salem State University’s Graduate Program in Higher Education Student Affairs (HESA).